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Monday, August 30, 2010

microsoft business intelligence

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microsoft business intelligence microsoft Business Intelligence microsoft business intelligence solution
Microsoft business intelligence solutions build on your existing investments so employees gain access to accurate, up-to-date information for better, more relevant decision making.

The BI Solutions integrate the strengths of SQL Server, Sharepoint and Office on a single platform to empower informed decision-making that moves your business forward.

Further Information about microsoft business intelligence, you can acces at : http://www.microsoft.com/bi/

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

real time data warehousing

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real time data warehousing
Also known as active data warehousing, real time data warehousing is the process of storing and analyzing data across multiple types of storage systems. Companies tend to use this approach in an ongoing effort to maximize the benefits from various forms of business intelligence, especially in terms of positioning the company for growth through sales. By capturing the information that becomes available and the assimilation of data with historical information, it is possible to predict shifts in customer demand, and develop new marketing strategies that will attract new customers.

Basic process real time data warehousing requires transactional data added to the database, such as placing orders or invoicing system, immediately analyzed, classified, and linked to information that has been shed from the previous transaction. Ideally, the additional information will yield additional information that helps to show the trend in purchases of goods or services offered by the company, the generation of profits or losses.

With assimilation and the rate of transactions and other data occurs, companies can move more quickly to take advantage of the trends that have the potential to recover significant business. Because real-time data warehousing process automatically, no need for anyone to turn this trickle of data from various transactional databases to a central database in real time. So, it is possible to access bank information is updated every time, and using data for planning future projects or actions that will be in accordance with corporate interests.

The process of data mining in real time can also include automatic generation of reports tailored to the needs of end users. Design a data warehouse often allows users to select from a series of pre-programmed report formats, or use a tool built into the software package to create a special report that manage data in many ways. This versatile data warehouse architecture makes it easy for companies of various sizes and related to different areas to use the same basic software, but adjusts the use software in accordance with their respective needs.

Most real-time data warehousing package also allows on-demand report generation and also on the schedule you set. This can be very helpful, as they may submit a request for a sudden moment, and the answer in seconds or minutes. For example, if a sales manager presented with a question about the sales day today is along the lines of a particular product, he can only frame the query, has a software pull-up-to-minute data, and reports that provide information with ease. other conventional methods would require up to half an hour or more to manage what real time warehouses can be set in less than three minutes.

Article Source:

Monday, August 23, 2010

data warehouse appliance

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data warehouse appliance
Usually people think that the data warehouse appliance is all the burden of storing old data, but this is not the full facts. In addition to the archive, also revealed large amounts of data from different sources into a single comprehensive database, so users can examine and manipulate the content as needed. Users will only have one database, making it important for him to access and data feeds from various sources, for information, which requires. Data warehousing tools are tried and tested way of checking information to make a survey of the cluster statistics and other content, so the company can plan the future of intelligence and can know the outcome of the process. the correct use of content can make a big difference with the way in which trade can evolve and be developed, because it allows the production of projections and estimates. This data can be used to create a business module, which helps users to focus on business. In addition, help in cutting costs and making better use of resources that can be accessed.

There is a big difference between data warehousing and business intelligence tools. Business intelligence uses various methods to compare and interpret the information and content, the motive to increase efficiency. Advanced content management software allows to provide useful information for the smooth business. Data warehouse appliance can be referred to as pot, which consists of various kinds of information. With help from the dash board, reports, analysis, and various content can be assimilated and can be used. Furthermore, both the data warehouse appliance as well as cooperation in the intelligence business to provide end users the right information needed. The employees, who are required to use this application, must be well trained in building a database and management. They must be proficient in statistics, to take full advantage of the given application.

By Moon Saud, Article Source:

Friday, August 20, 2010

supply chain performance metrics

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supply chain performance metrics
supply chain is where the set of resources and related procedures. Typically, this begins with the provision of raw materials to be used and then extends to product delivery to customers. These are important things that must be considered in terms of the company because of the fact that this is also connected to other departments, including customer service and communications center. With great importance, many companies are now ensuring that their supply chain management taken care of properly. This will enable them to meet their customer demand with ease. This is why they have created to measure supply chain to guide them with a system that covers the entire material flow and business information to end consumers.

So what steps the supply chain? Actually there are two categories in which these principles will be classified. They are qualitative and quantitative measures. At first, this is where customer satisfaction is measured and the quality of products delivered. On the other hand, quantitative measures are those which are calculated as the time between order and delivery process, the response of the supply chain in terms of time involved, the utilization of resources and delivery performance. Many studies have shown that the quantitative performance of a truly effective and therefore should be given all the attention they need.

Supply chain performance measurement is usually carried out by the company on a regular basis. This will give a description of what he should do so that he can improve the health of this section and the entire company as well. But this requires a multidimensional strategy that will discuss how the company will present to customer service. Typically, the steps are the same supply chain with other steps in the company. However, one can observe that there is a special purpose here is to make every supply chain metrics that are different from others.

quantitative measure supply chain is broken into the classification: financial and non financial. At last, these include cycle time, inventory levels, customer service and level of resource utilization. These are all important in such a way that this will help the company saw improvements as well as malfunctions in the delivery process, especially in the lead or cycle time. Timeline of delivery allows the owner to determine precisely how well the organization responded to the call of their customers and the result will look through the report.

Meanwhile, financial measures are those which consist of material costs, revenues received from products sold, the cost of each shipment and transportation, the cost for the supply of perishable ended, penalties for late or incorrect delivery, credit from suppliers for their mistakes as well as on the back release schedule and cost of goods returned by customers.

By Sam Miller, Article Source:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

hospital performance metrics

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hospital performance metrics
What clinics and shops laundering have in common? They both use the metric system performance. Yes, every business operation today in all industries now require the use of scorecards and other performance measuring tools. This is because everything in business takes time, effort, and money must be measurable. If you can not measure your business, how then can you possibly profitable business? The actual risk is not in the business know the threat but to know the variety. Fortunately, the manager of the clinic to find a friend in clinical metrics.

Fortunately, the manager of the clinic, there is no way to know the measured aspects of clinic operations. There are ways to find out more, and supplies below. There are ways to determine if adequate medical facilities for the number of patients who are served or not. There are methods to determine if treatment is successful or not. There are several ways to determine whether an upgrade of medical equipment is a priority or not. And there is even a system to identify compliance with the clinic for health insurance and accreditation requirements.

Metrics for clinical operations, in short, is knowing the good manners and bad business. Typically, managers will take the bad, then change or improve it. But most of the time, managers increase the good and spend extra to make it more useful. In using the metric to evaluate the clinical performance, there are various types of managers can be used. Four types of metrics for clinical focus on key aspects such as health insurance, health, medicine, and health facilities.

Health care industry could become a vast industry to handle. However, measuring the medical aspects of the clinics is simple. Government and accreditation agencies even require the clinic to have a uniform set of key performance indicators only for the standardization of the measurement scheme. However, some clinics may provide special services for specific markets. Therefore, there needs to be adjusted to the needs wise key performance indicators. Some custom KPIs include infection control and patient waiting time. Major metrics deal with the administration of clinical, patient satisfaction and service, emergency services, and financial operations. Sample metrics might include aspects such as clinical negligence, death within one month of operations, readmission to hospital discharge in one month, and death within one month bypass surgery.

The second type of transaction metrics with health insurance. This is an important aspect for a business that involves the patient's health and welfare at risk. This aspect is the focus on the customer. And can cover the financial, operations, customers, and services. Examples of metrics is a new business premiums, the IRR on new business, external funds under management and operating profit.

Metrics on medical supplies do more than just inventory valuation. They also include review of expired drugs, the right shelf, or storage of medication, proper administration of medications, and fair price for drugs, and other equipment. Example metrics can include a variety of products, market diversification, contract vendors, and representatives of producers.

The presence of medical equipment and qualified staff will be in vain without proper health care facilities. That's usually the size of the customer perspective, and social accountability. In short, the clinic itself reflects the quality of service.

When buying a clinical metric system, it is very important then to find the four main indicators. Curiously, all four metrics are available as a bundle or package. Knowing what you have to measure the metric system will give you the edge clinics to improve and excel.

By Sam Miller, Article Source:

Friday, August 13, 2010

data warehouse best practices

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data warehouse best practices
Data Warehousing is the innovation of the 90s who promised to change the landscape for good data. How far have we come? Many vendors have entered the market because it makes sense to bring together data from throughout the organization, and this will continue to make sense of the future.

How large a data warehouse market will grow no one knows yet. But it must still growing rapidly, and currently estimated at 4.5 billion dollars per year (IDC).

1. Why Run Into Data Warehouse Project Scope Creep?

To quote Bill Inmon (teacher and author of several books on Data Warehousing) "Traditional project begins with requirements and ends with data Data Warehousing. The project begins with data and end with the requirements." Once this project will take place, users will find new applications, and with it will come new demands for data. Interestingly, these projects are often justified by moving the T & R work away from "the data. What we have seen is that the first thing that happens immediately after the project is that it gives more demand for special requests submitted to this data is the same person''. This may appear to undermine the initial business case but actually signal the beginning of the creation of value from DWH project.

2. Star Schema Entity Relationship Model Versus?

There has been a major debate in society about the benefits of different data models. At the risk of over simplifying: ER models tend to have better performance (processing time) to end users, and is often regarded as "easier" to be understood by end users. Drawbacks is that the ER model requires more disk space, and, because of intrinsic redundancy in the data, have a consistency problem from the perspective of maintenance. Having said this, it seems that the practice is often some combination of the two can not be avoided in practical settings, although the preference (ER or Star) of the chief architects. Overall, the Star model seems to have gained the most ground.

3. Importance of Data Warehouse Business Case

Much has been written about the business case for Data Warehouse. What happened to good business case? IT savings everywhere in the business case DWH. The important thing is to not restrict to 'genuine savings', but to connect to the main business processes as much as possible. For example, more rapid cycle changes to the selection list fine (if the calculated charge per hour), but it's better if the revenue from the acquisition of more customers that follow from this choice can be tied into a relationship not only will revenue growth rather than savings for make a business case that is more balanced, more important is the intrinsic business buy-in results from a direct connection to the company's bottom line. These days, changes in legislation (especially the Sarbanes-Oxley) plays a major role in justifying the business case. This may be either through a higher company valuation to collect information that is transparent, or, lack of sleep the night for the CEO, which of course is priceless ...

4. Why Data Warehouse Project 'Do not' Go Wrong?

Actually, the Data Warehouse projects sometimes fail. But, they fail so rarely, that it is actually very hard to believe ... Especially after talking to so many end-user satisfaction. And there are many ways the project could be one of the Data Warehouse. Delivery on time, data administration problems, and data can not be avoided the issue of quality for food systems. Corporate politics (see Tip 7) may be the best explanation for this phenomenon at close to 100% success rate DWH project. In my experience, the reason why failures or 'semi-fail' can go unnoticed is the senior management either because they do not realize, or, say, "motivated" to talk about misspending company funds. As a result, not enough studied. Maybe we as consultants have a stake in this as well, because it ensures much business the industry is in progress ... J

5. What is different about Data Warehousing Web?

Kimball & Merz (2000): "Although this clickstream data in many cases is raw and real, have the potential to provide unprecedented detail about every move made by every human being by using Web media." Subatomic nature of clickstream data raises unique challenges. There is little built in feedback mechanisms to ensure data quality, compared with other data streams. The relationship between user and server logs record the mouse clicks are not so tight as in "traditional processing" transaction because of technical issues such as proxy servers and caching. Because of these differences, IT people need to adjust to the web process flow, rather than the process of adapting to the needs of IT as an interface common to most other DWH.

6. Should the data contained in the Data Warehouse?

Incoming data DWH ultimately determine its place in the organization. A "let's load all the data, to be" safe attitude is a sure way to derail your DWH project. Options for what should and should not be included needs to be created since the beginning, so that projects are managed. After the proven success of the delivered, deployed, and profitably exploited DWH, there will always be a place to put funds previously neglected interface. Given the anticipated life cycle of the DWH, it makes sense to consciously exclude certain sources. Options such as what data to include the need is driven by business considerations, and in particular reference to the company's bottom line. If you can not show how the data will be used profitably, they stay out! See also tip # 3.

7. Data Warehousing & Company Politics

Data warehouses have an impact on corporate bottom lines. Therefore, they may be candidates for turf battles, and also at risk of being "small changes" in negotiating budget allocations. None of the consideration of the benefits of long-term corporate goals. Managing projects is quite difficult because the DWH, and budget issues should not be made more difficult than it already is. Because DWH investment in current income and is located in the future, even more important to secure funds through sound business case and buy-ins from the appropriate (high) level of management. See also Tip # 3. Access to data means power, and talking about power management is one of the greatest taboos still exist. Sensitive as they are, even more easily discussed the budget ...

8. Trap Data Warehouse Project

Some 'frequently repeated barrier' on-time delivery route data warehouse project:

    * ETL process has eaten so much time (and still need to be "babysitters"), that little if any time left to develop applications that are required to exploit DWH
    * Some of the data needed, but were not not available, or not timely
    * Maintenance required for tuning, indexing, and backup and recovery is very underrated
    * Various ways of calculating the same phenomenon lead to different results, and no one could convince explain the difference (s)
    * Data is loaded (and recombination) which turned out to contain previously unknown inconsistencies in the source system, the 'classical' data quality problems that travel DWH projects
    * Metadata is less, and developer of the amount spent so much time figuring out what the field really means''

9. DWH Hardware and Software Go Hand in Hand

In Data Warehousing, not about the hardware, and not about the software: it is about the perfect integration of a second. Those who start their projects from both ends, will pay dearly for this mistake. The reasons are:

• In terms of price / performance, new, pre-integrated hardware-software combination takes the lead

° of the project management perspective, you do not want to caught between vendors when a proposed solution does not work as expected

· Database tuning and indexing is very important and very complex work, it should be left to specialists (in-house trained)

10. Performance is key

Although I do not often find this technology has become an important factor in the acceptance of the Data Warehouse, there is no other factor will be as important as performance. As size increased from time to time, this factor becomes more important. There are three reasons for this:

   1. performance has a major impact on the development of the velocity (initial load is always very time consuming), and therefore the overall maturity at the time of delivery DWH
   2. performance can make or break the end-user acceptance, particularly the predictability of performance
   3. performance has a tremendous impact on end-user productivity, the main driver of business pay-off

By Tom Breur, Article Source:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

financial metrics

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financial metrics Key Performance Indicators
Every aspect of the business is measured by financial metrics. This is necessary to measure whether any investment worth keeping or if there is a process of significant change will affect financial firms negatively or positively. What is measured here also is the financial value of each project undertaken, especially if the project will impact operations. Very measure the financial goals is to cut costs or improve how the money is spent throughout the organization.

There are principles that must be followed so that the numbers will be calculated are accurate and true. If calculated, covering the previous financial data that should never be part of the metric to begin with, this would indicate a figure that is not balanced. This action plan and understanding of these issues will be contaminated and it is possible that the organization would take the wrong direction.


Every time financial concerns, overhead costs should be included in the calculation of financial revenue. Overhead costs include money spent on support groups that do not actually produce revenue. This includes the salaries of individuals working in the Department of Human Resources. This also includes security officials and others who work with specific tasks that can be considered as add-ons. We may also include costs incurred on materials, such as bond paper and office supplies. When these figures came out, one will immediately see when and where to cut costs.

Future Project Costs

It is also wise that the cost of future projects included in the calculation. It has to do with costs to be incurred if the projects materialize. The downside of this is that some people might want to hinder the progress of the project after they saw the costs involved. Must be well defined what the project revenues will bring so this does not happen.

Historical Data

A mistake that many managers make in the financial calculations and come back is that they factor in historical data and items paid which should not be included in the report. For example, there is no balance in the previous month including the cost if you count only for this month. This will give you an accurate prediction. Including historical data on anything if you calculate annual income, or if you have a quarterly business review. Always make sure that the timeframe in accordance with the actual financial review.

Waiting Costs and Revenues

The financial statements should also contain the cost of debt that should have been delayed or paid in the period given. Many companies have debts that they have to pay monthly and these figures should be factored in the financial statements to ensure accuracy. However, the total cost per year should not be added. This means that if the review for the financial revenues only for three months, the assets and liabilities shall include only what is present and what maturity of three months.

Money is a descendant of any business. Please note that if the financial metrics are calculated in the wrong way, this also resulted in an action plan to mislead, so putting the organization far in vain, not up.

By Sam Miller, Article Source:

Monday, August 9, 2010

key performance indicators metrics

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key performance indicators metrics
This article give you enlightenment on What a Key Performance Indicators Solutions Company Does For Your Busines.

Knowing your business performance at a certain time is very important to achieve reasonable profit margins. In the past, managers rely entirely on financial measures or metrics. But despite the financial metric is useful in analyzing the performance of the past, they did not tell you what you should do to achieve success in the future. This is where the importance of a company's key performance indicator solution into the picture.

The advantage of using key performance indicators (KPI) is that they cover all critical areas of your company's operations. You can measure the effectiveness of the production, marketing, sales, and even employee development programs by comparing the actual output against predetermined targets.

Obviously the first step towards building a reliable indicator for formulating your strategic plan. You can not know where you are unless you know where you want to be after three or five years. This means that the KPIs you must, first and foremost direction. This means that they should tell you where to go. Questions must be asked and answers to make credible KPI is: "Where do you want your company to be after three or five years?" The answers to these questions provide direction and ensure that strict action successfully docked.

Of course you must include the strategic plan is built around customer service goals, achieve market competitiveness, and caring for stakeholders. You want to increase the number of customers and encourage them to return. You want to be able to compete with other businesses that produce similar products. You want to satisfy your partner, your employees, suppliers, and almost all the people you do business with. KPIs you must provide you with information about whether you are good or not in these areas.

When your company is small and new start, you will probably find it difficult to identify KPIs and metrics needed to come up with programs, activities, and routines that can easily be measured against objectives, plans and objectives. Fortunately for you, there are now many business consulting firm that focuses on helping companies find solutions that are suitable for all types of management problems.

The good will help you identify the KPIs and metrics and tools to offer, mostly in the form of a software application that will allow you to monitor the performance of different working units of your company. In every business, monitoring staff performance, the company processes, and external developments, market trends, new products, new technology, and the like, is always important to make wise decisions on what strategies, approaches, and policies to implement. This seems a bit much even for established companies, perhaps more for them because of the volume of transactions and the presence of many work units. Integrate all the tasks involved in a single working system is very difficult.

A key indicator of corporate performance management system solution would be to evaluate and identify weaknesses and strengths, and from there, it will recommend appropriate changes and provide tools that will improve management processes, particularly monitoring and analysis of data collected from the various aspects of company operations. However, you should consider consulting the price of one. The best way to do this is to ensure that what they offer fits your needs.

Article Source:

Friday, August 6, 2010

key performance metrics

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key performance metrics
One very important thing in designing dashboard is deciding key performance metrics, this article gives you understanding on what key performance metrics.

Performance metrics measure the selected dimensions of the organization to enable management to assess the position and take appropriate action to move towards the target. The main objective is to increase performance throughout the whole host of dimensions as selected by the organization's leadership. In addition, performance metrics to help management, increase organizational effectiveness, efficiency and internal controls.

To become the most value for management, performance metrics should ideally be specific, measurable enough, cheap, easy to communicate, and able to guide action. Various software packages are available to help management prepare, analyze and report data needed for the task.

Use of performance metrics requires four steps - select key issues, critical processes and customers that require the measurement results; develop relevant metrics; determine the target, and, finally, the performance moves toward the target.

Perhaps the most famous performance metrics are associated with financial performance. For this purpose, the management has been available all line items included in financial statements shall be added externally reported internal management reports. financial statement line item covering popular concepts such as total revenue, earnings before interest and taxes, interest expense, income after tax, total liabilities, and net cash flow.

This financial line item, in turn, is used for the analysis of financial ratios. This technique involves two or more related items of common lines in order to examine key areas of financial performance. These areas include revenue and cost behavior, balance sheet strength, capital structure, cash flow generation and profitability. The main audience for financial metrics is the management and owners of the organization, namely, the shareholders.

Early 1980s, the organization and various stakeholder groups they began to articulate the need for a set of broader performance metric, which reached more than financial performance. They called for the metric that measures the performance of the organization in connection with customers, employees, and society at large.

To fill the gap, the performance metrics framework known as the Balanced Scorecard emerged in the early 1990s. Its metric covers four areas - financial, customer, business process plus learning and growth. Balanced scorecard quickly adopted by many organizations in the private sector, government officials and non-profit sector. This remains an important performance management tool today.

Governance, environment, carbon emissions and climate change have all become areas of particular focus in recent years pushed the organization to respond by developing metrics to communicate performance in this problem.

Performance metrics are measured for an organization to routinely compared with the values of the past to ensure improvements are being achieved. In addition, they must be compared with metrics of peer group organization. This latter ratio is known as benchmarking and an important method for an organization to understand and monitor the relative competitive position.

Article Source:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

performance metrics

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performance metrics
This article give you guidance how to measure the business performance using performance metrics.

Performance metrics measure the selected dimensions of the organization to enable management to assess the position and take appropriate action to move towards the target. The main objective is to increase performance throughout the whole host of dimensions as selected by the organization's leadership. In addition, performance metrics to help management, increase organizational effectiveness, efficiency and internal controls.

To become the most value for management, performance metrics should ideally be specific, measurable enough, cheap, easy to communicate, and able to guide action. Various software packages are available to help management prepare, analyze and report data needed for the task.

Use of performance metrics requires four steps - select key issues, critical processes and customers that require the measurement results; develop relevant metrics; determine the target, and, finally, the performance moves toward the target.

Perhaps the most famous performance metrics are associated with financial performance. For this purpose, the management has been available all line items included in financial statements shall be added externally reported internal management reports. financial statement line item covering popular concepts such as total revenue, earnings before interest and taxes, interest expense, income after tax, total liabilities, and net cash flow.

This financial line item, in turn, is used for the analysis of financial ratios. This technique involves two or more related items of common lines in order to examine key areas of financial performance. These areas include revenue and cost behavior, balance sheet strength, capital structure, cash flow generation and profitability. The main audience for financial metrics is the management and owners of the organization, namely, the shareholders.

Early 1980s, the organization and various stakeholder groups they began to articulate the need for a set of broader performance metric, which reached more than financial performance. They called for the metric that measures the performance of the organization in connection with customers, employees, and society at large.

To fill the gap, the performance metrics framework known as the Balanced Scorecard emerged in the early 1990s. Its metric covers four areas - financial, customer, business process plus learning and growth. Balanced scorecard quickly adopted by many organizations in the private sector, government officials and non-profit sector. This remains an important performance management tool today.

Governance, environment, carbon emissions and climate change have all become areas of particular focus in recent years pushed the organization to respond by developing metrics to communicate performance in this problem.

Performance metrics are measured for an organization to routinely compared with the values of the past to ensure improvements are being achieved. In addition, they must be compared with metrics of peer group organization. This latter ratio is known as benchmarking and an important method for an organization to understand and monitor the relative competitive position.

Article Source:

Monday, August 2, 2010

performance management service

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performance management service business performance management
Business Performance Management is crucial thing in business. How this performance management work in Service Environtment?

This article answers your question.

There were many ways to evaluate the quality of a product, for instance: to calculate how much you have to sell, calculate how much return, add and calculate the percentage of quality complaints. It is also possible to evaluate the production process with the same indicator. This is what performance management is all about.

Quality of service can not be measured in the same way. The reason for this is that you can not count the service. You offer services such as presence (availability) or by following someone. Quality in a case that can only be felt and will be the judge subjectively.

Nevertheless possible to introduce performance management in environmental services. You will be notified when contacted your service provider, at the end of the call they will ask you: "please wait, we want to ask if we handle these calls in the right way." This is the last line in the script call center agents.

Looks like a powerful feature because you offer clients a vote at your service.

However, in practice you will be served by call center agents who can not help that the service is down but that will say this with a friendly manner. Now how do you rate this service? With the fact that he is down, or that you have a warm conversation with agent?

As your first reaction may respond positively to such evaluation. You think that the service provider who really cares, so when you have attended a fair and friendly, you press "1" - show that you have served well.
But this only covers part of the call center agent. Most service providers more and more dependent on the (technical) infrastructure and the client will call the help desk only if there is a problem. Even if you have attended a good, service is still down.

That's where the performance management system will not match with what you need in the environment ministry.
When using these systems you will signal to the client that the service depends on the agent answering the phone, while offering a team approach to service is a far more complex and not measurable by the individual members within the team.

This will lead to bias in what according to your measure, and what you really feel the client.

In my experience as a user's hard to get the service I was told that there is a problem with the service. If there's a problem - and I call just after I truly believe that there - never said I, 'yes sir, you are entitled to return we had a problem. " Instead they start with the script normally. Did you restart your PC, router, etc, etc.

I think many users will assess the services of this kind of honesty (yes we have a problem, but we're trying to fix it) than the introduction of the system you would have to use, but do not ask. You just want everything to work, and as a client you know (most of the time) when it happened and when not.

The introduction of any system should serve the purpose. In this case, when implementing performance management, you should ask what the real goal is: impressive client or really to measure how well your services are doing. In the latter case you do not need to involve the client.

In most cases, the environmental management performance at the best services can be implemented without the client knowing it.

By Hans Bool, Article Source:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

financial performance management

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financial performance management
Financial Performance Measurement

Motif every effort to achieve maximum financial benefit the bottom line. In order to fulfill the same thing, the company has come up with a financial performance measurement techniques. The idea is to ensure that whatever resources are doing and how they function, they must show gains in the income statement. This is done generally in three different steps. They have been mentioned as follows:

First, it includes selecting the organization's goals.

Second, and also as the most important part, is to consolidate information on performance measurement.

Finally, necessary changes are made by managers so as to serve as a drug in a weak link in corporate financial charts. So, it can be said that the financial aspects of performance measurement is basically driven sales. There are certain milestones set for company employees. A deficiency can meet the specific process can be dangerous even for the position. Thus, performance measurement methods are also known to show the sense of insecurity for certain employees. Therefore, it is impossible to give the most confirmed. Business Performance Management is generally measured with the financial aspects of performance measurement. Special techniques for the same thing has been mentioned as follows:

Approach to Measuring Financial Performance

Economic Value Added

This method is directly related to the economic benefits from the organization that went directly to the balance sheet. This method, in other words can be used to measure the Net Operating Profit after Tax. There are also certain adjustments made in calculating the economic value so that companies can make more synchronized with the inclusion of income in the income statement. This method is generally used by companies incorporated under the lower today. The same reason was that at the moment, companies are able to see a business that works only from a financial perspective. There are many more to achieve.

Activity-Based Costing

Basic economic law that says that management must make a minimum of resources available to them. In the case to keep with the statement, public companies to identify the processes that are in the system, and then classify them as separate activities. Followed by this, the company set a separate fee for each activity. This can be done in the form of direct and indirect costs.

Reasons to switch from Non-Financial Financial aspects

In other words, we can say that this is also a form of performance measurement based on the financial aspects. One can determine the cost of each activity, but always there, barring the use of a very expensive activity. Once, again, this method will not be valid in the long-term. For the same reason is that this method is to form a barrier to long-term investment. We must understand that the investment for certain activities could lead to the development of certain other people in the long term. This may be related to labor and equipment needed to perform activities. So, as the recovery effort, we should switch to a better method that important non-financial. (Activity Based Costing (ABC), 2010)

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