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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

financial metrics

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financial metrics Key Performance Indicators
Every aspect of the business is measured by financial metrics. This is necessary to measure whether any investment worth keeping or if there is a process of significant change will affect financial firms negatively or positively. What is measured here also is the financial value of each project undertaken, especially if the project will impact operations. Very measure the financial goals is to cut costs or improve how the money is spent throughout the organization.

There are principles that must be followed so that the numbers will be calculated are accurate and true. If calculated, covering the previous financial data that should never be part of the metric to begin with, this would indicate a figure that is not balanced. This action plan and understanding of these issues will be contaminated and it is possible that the organization would take the wrong direction.


Every time financial concerns, overhead costs should be included in the calculation of financial revenue. Overhead costs include money spent on support groups that do not actually produce revenue. This includes the salaries of individuals working in the Department of Human Resources. This also includes security officials and others who work with specific tasks that can be considered as add-ons. We may also include costs incurred on materials, such as bond paper and office supplies. When these figures came out, one will immediately see when and where to cut costs.

Future Project Costs

It is also wise that the cost of future projects included in the calculation. It has to do with costs to be incurred if the projects materialize. The downside of this is that some people might want to hinder the progress of the project after they saw the costs involved. Must be well defined what the project revenues will bring so this does not happen.

Historical Data

A mistake that many managers make in the financial calculations and come back is that they factor in historical data and items paid which should not be included in the report. For example, there is no balance in the previous month including the cost if you count only for this month. This will give you an accurate prediction. Including historical data on anything if you calculate annual income, or if you have a quarterly business review. Always make sure that the timeframe in accordance with the actual financial review.

Waiting Costs and Revenues

The financial statements should also contain the cost of debt that should have been delayed or paid in the period given. Many companies have debts that they have to pay monthly and these figures should be factored in the financial statements to ensure accuracy. However, the total cost per year should not be added. This means that if the review for the financial revenues only for three months, the assets and liabilities shall include only what is present and what maturity of three months.

Money is a descendant of any business. Please note that if the financial metrics are calculated in the wrong way, this also resulted in an action plan to mislead, so putting the organization far in vain, not up.

By Sam Miller, Article Source:

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